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Question on Precision Power PPI EQP sub control

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:37 am
by Wild42Bill
I installed a used EQP for some one,and when attempting
to explain how to use it, I discoverd I dont know.

Does any one have a manual or a clue, I spent a few mins
playing with it, but It did not seam clear. It has a sub connected
to the sub out and full range sets connected to the front and rear outs.

The EQP has a Low pass setting switch on the top,
Sub Freq switch LowPass 50, 80 or 120Hz
(I assume this is for the sub out)

It has 9 pots on the front labeled:
Sub Level
Sub Freq

There is a line between Sub Freq and Sub

Question :
1) What does the Sub Level, Sub Freq and Sub adj do?

I would think the sub controll would be for the front and rears, if so why is there a line connecting it to the sub Freq ? Is the Sub freq a parametric center point of the low pass freq for the front and rears. if so what is that sub band.

2) Is the Sub Level for the sub output level with the low pass freq set by the switch on top?

3) Does any one have a copy of the manual from PPI ?

If you can explane this, I may ask you about PPI PAR-650 :)

Thanks Bill