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2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:00 am
by Eric D
Is it just me, or does PG have TOO broad of a range of amplifiers now?

I was just looking at the website, and they started updating it for 2012. With the addition of the new Ti Elite, we have

Ti Elite

IMO, that is way too many lines. Then again, I am not a PG bean counter, so I don't know, maybe it is working great this way.

I personally think it would make sense to thin the lines out. To start with, is the S line even needed? I think I would prefer a SD600.1 or SD1300.1 over the S1000. It just is not needed. Same for the S400.4, a SD500.4 would probably be a better choice.

With the S line having only 2 models, it just seems wasteful to keep producing it.

The R line is about perfect for what it is. It seems to offer a model for most any budget, without to much overlap.

Is the SD line a bit bloated? Do we need the chose of 2 five channel amps? I think the SD1300.5 is enough. The SD800.5 seems to be the same amp, but with half the sub capability. If someone really wants a 5-channel, I think the SD1300.5 will cover it. Now, I am sure some people want the smallest 5 channel you can get for some specific installations, but for those few, I think they could compromise and run the SD500.4 4-channel.

Do we really need the SD300.1 and the SD200.2? If someone wants a small sub amp, the SD600.1 is physically not a whole lot bigger. As for the small 2-channel, just buy the SD500.4 and run it 2-channel. I think the SD200.2, SD300.1, and SD800.5 all need to go. Instead build a SD1300.4 or SD1300.2, so people can use two amps, one being the big mono, and then another matching chassis sized amp for the rest of their system. Both the SD1300.5 and SD1300.1 look great, but who would want to run a 5-channel and another mono amp? The whole point of the 5-channel is to run it all on one system.

The Ti line is probably just fine the way it is. I don't see much need for the Ti600.4 when the Ti800.4 offers more, so I suppose the Ti600.4 could go.

Anyway, I am not trying to rant here, I just hate to see PG over extend itself to the point it looses efficiency with production and distribution. I also think that with so many different items to choose from, it makes upgrade paths more difficult.

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:54 pm
by dedlyjedly
I can see what you're saying, and I even had a few of these same thoughts cross my mind as I browsed through their CES booth. That said, there are a several critical elements to retailing that you're omitting from your analysis of the situation. I'm not privy to any of the dealer pricing and haven't been for several years, so it's hard to understand how the lines overlap in the eyes of a retailer. Of course there's a flip-side to that argument. It's hard to imagine many retailers truly supporting all of those amplifier series at the same time.

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:37 pm
by tvrift
If you think thats a lot, look at Soundstream...

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:00 pm
by Thumper88
tvrift wrote:If you think thats a lot, look at Soundstream...
They even have window tint now.... :shock:

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:46 am
by kg1961
funny you say soundstream i ordered a bx15 epi center, 15f cap and the fues hold powerstaion 2 for my next set up
they were nib and dirt cheap also it will match my older larger tr700/2 amps..
but yes they have alot of gear
if having to much is a bad thing maybe let the lower line go to ebay or at least online so when people look to buy things. in canada i look there first as we can never get anything nice here(canada). i hate buying from best buy and futureshop there selection sucks. other than my local shop (smaller) but he doesn't have anything other than the new jbl,clarion and kenwood.

i know why they don't carry pg install items but i feal this is a large negative vs other company that do. it just looks nice to see all one company gear in a nice install

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:52 pm
by MW3
Good topic.

Eric you are one step ahead, S series is being phased out that leaves:

R - Ultra reliable, Good performance on a Budget
SD - Small but powerful. Small amplifiers are here to stay, more models just means more solutions for the customer. Two channel is perfect for motorcycle/atv guys. Bigger five channel can drive two larger woofers with ease.
Ti - Classic mid to upper end PG amplifiers.
Elite - Bring your checkbook but its worth it.

Its important to offer as many solutions possible without making the product picture cloudy.

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:43 am
by stipud
Good call. The SD series makes the S series pretty much irrelevant, although their class A/B design really intrigues me!

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:31 am
by knightrider358

Im not a expert, but I have a strong passion and medium knowledge of audio.

Just my 2 cents here......Prob good that PG does away w the S line but Stupid has a good point about it being A/B class. But I think its good if a company like AAMP has the strong funding to support a wide range of products because then its more likely there would be stronger sales but the company CANNOT flood the market with products and produce crappy products like other major brands have over the years. A wider range of products will appeal to a wider base of customers. Cause I think everyone hear will agree with me when I say this. The consumer base of car audio is VERY broad from people who have want the "image" to cheapskates (concerning just the names of the brands they own), then true audiophiles to not caring, then you have the people who are willing and can afford any price to want good stuff but cant afford it.

Also being a partner with PAC and Stinger no other company that I can think of has the resources at their disposal to offer a true intergrated product line the we are begining to see developed here i.e. the new camaro amp/sub package.

As long as AAMP is willing to spend the money to back what it is developing, with this VERY broad (not to broad) range of products, stand firmly behind them with R & D, quality, and more importantly customer service I think they will become great like the......Rise of the Phoenix!

Thanks for continueing the legacy.......

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:17 am
by MW3
Thank you for the kind words.
Our main focus is on quality products in the mid to upper end of the market, the launch of the Elite line really drives this home.

If you want a dirt cheap "throw away" amplifier, etc then PG is not the right solution for you.

We will be adding other key models in the future, but they will be strategic decisions. There are no 'throw it in the catalog and see if it sells' deals.

Except for the very high and low end, you should anticipate nearly all car audio amplifiers transitioning to full range Class D designs within the next two years. There are simply too many advantages and excellent new chipsets. We will continue to offer both designs depending on the market needs.

Re: 2012 PG Amplifier Lineup Too Broad?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:17 pm
by 04evors
MW3 wrote: Our main focus is on quality products in the mid to upper end of the market, the launch of the Elite line really drives this home.

If you want a dirt cheap "throw away" amplifier, etc then PG is not the right solution for you.

Glad to hear this!