More PG accessories!

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More PG accessories!

Post by alpineaudio »

Just an fyi to anyone interested, I just posted some more Phoenix accessories on ebay. All are brand new and are listed under

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Re: More PG accessories!

Post by ttocs »

what else can I say I am a grumpy asshole most of the time.
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Re: More PG accessories!

Post by alpineaudio »

Sorry, if you just search on ebay for that it won't pull everything up. alpine*audio is my seller name, you have to do an advanced search.
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Re: More PG accessories!

Post by itchnertamatoa »

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Re: More PG accessories!

Post by alpineaudio »

Finally listing everything on ebay. Here is a link to the listing for the MS1000 ... SwfiZcsmm8

With that you can view everything else I have been forced to part with, MS275, Alpine double din, etc.
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Re: More PG accessories!

Post by alpineaudio »

Just a little over 5 hours and my auctions end. Little after 7:30 pm PST.
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