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current events- local vermont; it's getting bad out there :(

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:24 pm
by mhyde71

Re: current events- local vermont; it's getting bad out ther

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:35 pm
by ttocs
I might be shocked by that if it were not for the strange happenings my first summer in phoenix. On two occasions that summer there were workers feeding one of those tree-shredding machines that chips them up when a man ran past them and dove into the machine. Two times that summer......

Re: current events- local vermont; it's getting bad out ther

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:48 pm
by mhyde71
WOW! ^^^ and wait tho- Did you hear about the 6 year old in conn that was helping his father on the weekend with the chipper...and he grabbed a tree limb (just like he saw his dad do) and the limb went thru the chipper as one would expect, but sadly, the boy neglected to let go and/or limb was pulled so quickly and sadly the boy was run thru right along with the limb... i can not express how i felt when i heard that... and it was in a town next door to my home town of Willimantic in ct (Lebanon, CT). my hear goes out to the family like nothing else ever in my life. given i have a 6yr old- i just couldnt imagine it.

Re: current events- local vermont; it's getting bad out ther

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:00 pm
by mhyde71
oh and sorry for such bad news talk. but life is life and life sucks sometimes.

ill try to keep it to titties and kittens from now on.

Re: current events- local vermont; it's getting bad out ther

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:05 pm
by ttocs
the first time it was on the news I had my jaw on my chest. 2nd time it was more like a roll of the eyes.... After 2 yrs out there the news became almost entertaining to see what stupid stuff was on it. Another humerous story was a grow house they found just around the corner from me. The entire neighborhood was on a farmers land that rather then sell out to developers he made a farm-co-op out of it. They have a communal garden that they are welcome to use and he runs a small fresh produce area that feeds his resturant. Anyway it was funny because the name of the neighborhood was farm-topia, they were suprised to find a grow house in it? And then there was sherrif joe who was either pissing off napalitono or the people in scottsdale, or all the mexicans which was always entertaning to watch. Maybe I just grew up in too rural an area, dunno...