Phoenix Gold Ti Tri LED Board As Used On Ti Elite 12D & DEQ

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Phoenix Gold Ti Tri LED Board As Used On Ti Elite 12D & DEQ

Post by chriscl14020 »

Let's start here: A little while back I purchased a Ti Elite 12D from someone I had trusted -- so I didn't test the lights on it. Anyhow, it appears someone had hooked the lights up as a voice coil at some point -- the entire board with the exception of maybe a few resistors was destroyed. So, I had to rebuild it. I went through the trouble of creating a schematic of the original, so you can either recreate the board as needed or rebuild yours. The schematic is not to scale, sadly I did not measure it, just made a basic diagram.

Do note if you use new LED's, you're going to likely want to put larger resistors in to limit the brightness to 'not blinding'. I believe I used something like a 2k ohm resistor.

Here are some things that may be useful to someone at some point.

The first two are of the burnt board. The second two are of an identical board from a Ti DEQ. The last is the schematic for the board, including parts I used and found compatible.

Take note to watch your wiring on the Ti Elite 12D -- it is slightly different than the Ti DEQ -- mainly as only the +12V and GND are hooked up, not the REM.

I will try to create a write-up of replacing this board in a Ti Elite 12D as well; it's a pretty big bitch to remove the 'dustcap' flat piston part, and you'll most likely destroy the paper cap backing this metal piece. I have found some material at Miachel's that works perfectly to recreate that, but you have to form it a little -- heat and pressure.

A quick summary is:
-Heat to remove the metal
-f**k that paper, cut and peel. I tried; I tried hard -- there is no saving it. Don't waste your time (or if you do and successfully do it, tell me!) Use heat to remove the glue around it.
-Crack the glue off of the old board, carefully. Remove it. Probably should measure the height before this, depending how much you break loose.
-Glue the board back in. Make sure it lines up! You might want to glue it to the paper piece or use something slightly tacky to hold it?
-Trace the metal piece on the 'paper/foam' piece, cut. Glue that down.
-Glue the metal piece over top.
The schematics I made for the PG Tri LED board.
The schematics I made for the PG Tri LED board.
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