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Post by kg1961 »

Last edited by kg1961 on Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Buy beware steve cross aka NotDeafYet

Post by NotDeafYet »

Mike. Mike. Mike. You just won't shut up will you? You've been temporarily blocked on the FB PG group... because you keep running your mouth. And now, you're doing it here.. ok. Here's my side of the story.

July 31st, 2018, I mailed you a PhD 3way component set, and a pair of unfinished speaker pods, for a VW MK4. I bought these items form you a while ago, never used them, and you wanted to purchase them back. You paid me 300$ and 45$ for shippping.

July 31st, later that same day, I found an ad on Kijiji for some PG 4ga ground wire. I asked if you could pick it up for me, as it was for sale in your city. You said yes. You picked it up. I asked you for a total including shipping, and I'd send the cash.

Aug 1st, "deal with the wire tomorrow ok?" You said. You also asked if I "didnt want it I can use it". I said no. You said "all good talk later".

Aug 6th, you received the speaker pkg, and would open that night.

Aug 7th, "I will get the wire out friday I have to ship that kicker items that day sorry for the delay" you said.

Aug 9th, you opened and found one of the speakers got damaged in transit via Canada Post.

That damaged speaker, was zip tied to its bezel, shrink wrapped like 5 layers, mounted INSIDE the fiberglass pod, that was also stuffed with a tweeter, and more bubble wrap. The whole pod was then bubble wrapped a few layers. All the items were stuffed in a box, stuffed with bubble wrap. Outside of the box was double taped in its entirety.

You tried to acquire, or get other mids from me.. little back and forth..

Aug 11th, I filed a claim with Canada Post for the damaged shipment.

Aug 14th, Canada Post emailed me, asking for your information, I gave them your email address.

Aug 15th, I asked if you mailed my PG wire, you said "I know sorry forgot with everything"

Aug 17th, you bugged me about cda post. I called them. Reported back to you. You inquired about my other 4" mids again. I said we are going to wait for the Canada Post claim to be settled before anything.

Aug 18th, "Can you send me 30$ to my paypal i need to order some items. I will use your account to send the wire next week", you said. I paid/sent you the 30$. AT THIS POINT, THE PG WIRE IS OFFICIALLY MINE AND PAID FOR.

Aug 21, you bugged me again. "I will need to get off my ass I will need to find a small box to ship the wire" you said. Bugged me more about the speaker damage issue.. trying to "buy me out"... I said we wait for Canada Post claim settlement.. "ok man sorry getting itchy" you said.

Aug 22, you emailed Canada Post information they requested.

Aug 24, you bugged me again. Trying to haggle again.

Aug 25, I called Canada post again for an update. They are waiting for your information via email. You noticed that your email bounced, and never reached Canada post. You resent another 2 emails.

Aug 27, you bugged me again. I said id wait a couple days(wed, 27th being monday) to call them again, unless I hear first. "ok i would today but what you want" you said.

Aug 28, you bugged me again. Told you we were Tuesday. "shut sorry lol" you said.

Aug 29, you bugged me again, 8pm. Wasnt done work. Got home, and called Canada Post again. Case is still active and open... was told it should be settled by Sept 6th. Told you to not bug me til then.

Sept 6, 940am my time.. 740am Mike's time.. bugs me. 846pm, bugs me again. bugged me 1010pm again..got home late, Canada Post closed.

Sept 7, 733am my time, 533am Mikes time, bugs me. Called Canada Post 936pm.. they told me there was some wierd 'UMO' issue. No idea what it was, nor did the CSR.

Sept 9th, you bugged me again.

Sept 10th, you bugged me again. I called that evening. Told to wait, and would be contacted within 72hrs.

Sept 12, you bugged me again.

Sept 13th, 1042am, 842am mikes time, bugs me again. Called that evening, spoke to a lady who escalated the ticket, and told me to call her directly the following monday if nothing was done, on the 14th. You tried to haggle some more. "i will send the wire after just have no hit the postal but i need to for the xenon onyks i sold" you said.

Sept 14, you were contacted by Canada Post and you sent the speaker package to Canada Post on their dime. "So I guess send the 355$ back when you get it as I will no longer have anything".

the 355$ referred to here.. is Mike's VISA bill cost, for having sent me 345$ via paypal from his credit card...

Sept 17, you bugged me again. This is when you really got all pissy and started DEMANDING your money back, before the claim is settled. "Send me the 355 back and I will send the wire"

This is when you have now held MY PG GROUND WIRE FOR RANSOM. You also filed a claim via paypal for your money, and that claim got denied almost instantly. This was the final straw for me. You tried to mess with my Paypal account. You blended 2 deals, the wire and the speakers, into one big mess.

Pretty much every day after the 17th, you've harassed me. You've thrown the PG wire in my face. You've listed it for sale on Kijiji and the FB PG group. You've taunted me "do I still have the wire, or do I not? Send me my money and I will talk to you" you've said a few times. For damn sure I blocked you eventually, I android blocked you phone and I have flagged your email as spam. I CHOSE to distance myself from your psycho behavior. And yet, here we are.

I kept you apprised of every phone call to Canada post, all 14 calls to Canada Post.

I told you we were waiting for the claim to be closed. You are as impatient as a 4 year old child.

You refunded my 30$ paypal payment, for the wire, that I owned. You said it wasn't mine. The deal wasn't "closed" because I didn't pay shipping. I asked. A few times. You tried to buy the wire off me, implying I owned it.. which I did.. and said NO. You even threw the "possession is 9/10ths of the law" crap.. about my wire. Etc etc etc.

I have always told you that I had zero intentions of shafting you. I kept the comm lines open. Until I didn't, because of your almost daily annoying messages.

The claim got approved sept 27th, BUT FOR THE WRONG AMOUNT. It got sent down again, for another approval, for the right amount. This past Wednesday, Oct 3rd, It was finally approved for the full amount. But by this time, I had told you to piss off. That you will get your money back, when I get the Canada post cheque, in my hands, and after it clears my bank. And that I would refund your original pp payment, and make you wait another 10 more business days. I told you because you jerked me around on my wire, that I would jerk you right back, and make you wait for as LONG AS POSSIBLE, LEGALLY POSSIBLE, for you to get your cash back.

In a nutshell. We've bought and sold before. We know each other. We both have good reputations and good names. We were NOT strangers. Mike, you're in impatient person. You have a screw loose. You stole, yes Mike, stole my pg wire, even though you don't see that. I didn't steal from you, I told you all along that we are waiting for the Canada Post claim to get finalized. That we suffered delays from Canada Post, through neither fault of ours... aside from your bounced email. You'll get your 345$ back soon, as soon as the cheque clears my bank. I doubt I'll ever see my PG wire. You borderline harassed me on an almost daily basis. I gave up listening to you.. and blocked you. And you've still been running your mouth. Yes I'm being a jerk making you wait.. but at this point.. I feel you totally deserve the wait for the PG wire aspect of our issues. 2 things that never should of been mixed together...

Had you shipped my wire, instead of holding it as a ransom item.. Mike.. guess what.. you'd of had your 345$ back, last October 3rd... instead.. it'll be near the end of the month, if you're lucky! You are dead to me dude. Get professional help. Learn to be patient. And trust the guys, like me, that have spotless reps.

And I'm done typing about this.
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Re: Buy beware steve cross aka NotDeafYet

Post by kg1961 »

Last edited by kg1961 on Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buy beware steve cross aka NotDeafYet

Post by NotDeafYet »

Let's not forget the context of my use of the Ron Jeremy reference... That you've also omitted to mention. Misleading readers. Just so folks don't misinterpret my use of it.

I'm gonna end my replies here. I've said my side of the story. I ain't gonna keep beating the dead horse here. Need to figure out how to block you here too lol. You're refund/cheque is coming. Be patient. Like I've said from the beginning. I Never intended to not pay you the insurance claim payout.... Dealing with a person with the patience of a 3 year old is quite frustrating! I hope I've blocked you from every source now.. You're like a freaking cockroach.
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Re: Buy beware steve cross aka NotDeafYet

Post by kg1961 »

Last edited by kg1961 on Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buy beware steve cross aka NotDeafYet

Post by ttocs »

kg1961 wrote:You are a asshole you stole my money for 10 weeks
If word did not get back to you yet I have heard that the check has been issues, just needs to clear the bank
what else can I say I am a grumpy asshole most of the time.
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